Roll Presses

Often used in series with a primary separator, such as a Rotary Drum or Inclined Screen, 辊压机进一步降低除去的纤维的水分含量.

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辊压机在脱水过程中被用作二级步骤,因为它们的筛面积小,容量相对较低. 它们的缓慢操作和高压点产生高度脱水的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,易于堆叠和运输. 这种二次脱水装置是用来代替螺旋压力机的磨损是一个问题, such as dairies that use sand bedding.    

Roll Presses are available in multiple widths and press zones. 它们的大小是根据需要加工的材料量和需要去除的水分量来确定的. 它们被广泛用于各种工业中,以使有机和非有机材料脱水. Besides manure fibers, these presses have been used to dewater plastics, organic sludges, paper pulp, fiberglass, wet leaves and nut hulls.

How Roll Presses Work

湿料被送入压机顶部,进入第一压区. 驱动辊的旋转运动将物料拉过压区. 在一个非常小的区域施加极高的压力,称为夹点. 在这个挤压点处的高压将一部分液体从纤维内部和周围挤压出来,并迫使它通过筛网, 而脱水后的纤维继续随滚筒旋转,并由刮刀或旋转刷机械除去.

Why McLanahan Roll Presses

McLanahan Roll Presses can be supplied with one, 两个或三个压区,取决于需要去除的水分量. A single zone press will produce a product with about 80% moisture. With the addition of a second zone, that moisture can be reduced to about 75%, and a third zone will reduce it further to about 70%. Two sizes are available, the 36” and the 48”. 这些尺寸是压力机的宽度,决定了可以加工多少材料.

所有标准的McLanahan压力机都建立在一个沉重的304不锈钢框架上. They require low horsepower due to their low speed and low friction. They are simple to operate and maintain. To minimize plugging and stalling, 顶部驱动器上的一个简单的离合器系统将不稳定物料通过鼓.

每个辊子都由轴承支撑,这些轴承与粪肥隔离或屏蔽. The bottom roll is supported by an oversized pillow block bearing, which is shielded from the manure by a shaft seal.

可调节的空气弹簧系统对顶辊施加压力. By using an air spring system, 辊子之间的压力可以通过提高或降低空气压力来快速轻松地调整.

For safety, these units are fully enclosed and shielded. 润滑脂库位于机器的一侧,允许轴承和枢轴点从一个位置润滑,而无需拆除任何防护装置.

Frequently Asked Questions About Roll Presses

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压力机的大小是由什么类型的材料被喂进它和它是如何被喂. Most of the current installations involve manure dewatering. Here is a chart showing the different sizes and capacities. For applications other than manure, please contact McLanahan’s agriculture team for sizing and selection.

This depends on the goals of the system. 如果目标仅仅是将材料脱水到可以用装载机搬运到地里, a single-stage press is usually sufficient. 如果有其他脱水目的,那么双压机或单压机可能是一个好主意. This chart shows the amount of dewatering that happens at each press stage.

A small tank compressor is all that’s needed. 一旦空气弹簧充满了空气,它们在运行过程中消耗的空气很少.

A UHMW scraper is standard. In the case of long, stringy materials like fruit stems or even shredded plastic, which can build up under a scraper, a motorized brush is used. 

辊压机和螺旋压机都是在高压下从固体物料中挤出水分的原理下工作的, but each does so in a slightly different way.

轧辊压力机包含两个轧辊,它们相互反向旋转,并在一个称为夹点的小区域相互接触. This is the point where pressure is applied between the two rolls. 底部辊子有排水孔,一旦水被挤出,就可以让水逸出. The top roll is solid, 通常用比普通钢稍软的材料建造或覆盖. Many times this material is rubber or urethane. 加厚的材料被送入辊的顶部,靠近夹点. 当滚筒旋转时,它们把材料拉过去,高压把水挤出来. 辊压机的高压点不存在滑动磨损, so they are great to use when sand is used as a bedding material. 除非进料浆的总固体(TS)浓度很高,否则辊压机不适合作为初级分离器. With dairy manure, this would need to be about 12% TS or higher. 

A Screw Press can handle much lower total solids concentrations and higher incoming flow rates; therefore, 既可作一次分离器,也可作二次脱水机. Unlike a Roll Press, which uses two counter rotating rolls to create a nip point, a Screw Press uses a rotating auger contained within a screen. 螺旋钻不断旋转,同时物料涌入筛网内部. 较大的纤维被困在屏幕上,而液体和较小的颗粒通过. As the auger rotates, 它将捕获的纤维从筛网上刮下来,并将其推进到排放口. 当纤维接近放电时,它们开始形成一个厚的材料塞. 机器前部的桨阻碍了它们的前进运动,塞子被迫减速,压力开始形成. It’s in this high pressure plug where dewatering occurs. 为了确保捕获的纤维向前推进到脱水区,螺丝和筛网之间的紧密公差是必要的. 由于这些紧公差和发生在螺杆和筛网之间的滑动磨损, 如果存在砂层,螺旋压榨机不是脱水粪便的最佳选择. 


Features & Benefits
  • Minimal wear in abrasive environments
  • Produce a stackable product
  • 304 stainless steel construction
  • Adjustable pneumatic pressure system to modify product moisture
  • Each drive roll has an independent drive motor
  • Sealed bearings are isolated from the process material
  • 枕块底部滚动轴承设计允许快速,方便的轴承更换
  • Available in single-, double- or triple-stage press design

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